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David Tixier Trio feat. Pippo Corvino
DAVID TIXIER TRIO feat. Pippo Corvino
„Universal Citizen“
composed, produced and played by David Tixier (F/CH) and his band (SLO / MN / CRO).
David Tixier ist ein französischer Pianist, geboren 1989.
Nach seinem in Paris erlangten Diploma of Music Studies (DEM) am Conservatoire de Paris (CRR) in der Klasse von Pianoprofessor Benjamin Moussay arbeitete er und spielte er mit großen Jazz-Musikern wie Bob Mintzer, Shai Maestro, Eric Watson, Giovanni Mirabassi und Frank Amsalem. Mit seinem Bachelor- und Masterstudium in Jazz Performance fuhr er in der Klasse des Professors Emil Spanyi in Lausanne, der Schweiz, fort. Dort arbeitete und spielte er mit Chico Freeman, Sandy Patton, Julian Argüelles, The New York Voices, Sachal Vasandani, Shai Maestro, Benjamin Moussay, Emil Spanyi, Bill Carothers, und Eric Watson, Giovanni Mirabassi, Franck Amsalem, Dado Moroni, George Robert, Guillaume Perret, François Lindemann, Prabhu Edouard, Sangoma Everett, Yosuke Sato (Gregory Porter), Mike Moreno, und Carlos Mena (Mirare).
Von 2013 bis 2016 war er Co-Leader und Keyboard-/Klavierspieler des Trios LESS THAN FOUR, einer neu entstandenen Schweizer Band. Seit 2014 ist er auch Leader des Humain Trop Humain Collective. Im Mai 2015 schuf er sein eigenes Piano-Soloprojekt. Im März 2016 lud er den US-amerikanischen Sänger Sachal Vasandani für einige eigene Songs seines sein neues Album „Substantial Existence, The Giant Corners“ ein. Im Februar 2016 begann Davit mit seinem neuen Acoustic-Trio „David Tixier Trio“ mit Lada Obradovic am Schlagzeug und Blaise Hommage am Bass. Einige Monate später kreierten Lada und David ihr Duo, das Obradovic-Tixier Duo.
David nahm als Sideman an zahlreichen anderen Projekten teil wie the Baiju Bhatt Red Sun Rising Collective, Disfonik Orchestra, the Lada Obradovic Project, the Valentin Conus 5tet (Türkeki), Tokafonik 4tet (Japan)... und war Teil des Projektes Pairs et Impairs 7tet des Schweizer Bassspielers Patrick Perrier.
Im Jahr 2012 nahm er als einer der fünf Finalisten am Klavierwettbewerb „Boris Vian Piano Competition“ in Paris teil. 2013 erhielt er mit dem Trio „Less than Four“ am französischen Wettbewerb „Jazz in Oloron“ den ersten Preis durch die Auswahl der Jury sowie den ersten Preis durch die Auswahl des Publikums. In demselben Jahr gehörte er mit dem Trio zu den Finalisten des großen europäischen Wettbewerbs Europafest Jazz Competition in Bukarest, Rumänien. 2015 trat er als Halbfinalist im Wettbewerb „Montreux Piano Solo Competition“, mit Yaron Herman als Juryleiter in der Schweiz auf. Ebenfalls gehörte er zu den Finalisten des UBS Public Prize, organisiert vom Montreux Jazz Festival.
In demselben Jahr belegte er den zweiten Platz des Wettbewerbs Monaco Jazz Soloists Competition 2015.
2016 gehörte das David Tixier Trio zu den Finalisten des Wettbewerbs JazzAvenir innerhalb des Festivals „Jazz En Baie Festival“ in Mont-Saint-Michel, sowie zu den Finalisten des Wettbewerbs „Jazz A Vannes“ innerhalb des „Jazz en Ville Festivals“ in Vannes.
David war Teilnehmer am Wettbewerb JazzHaus Piano Solo competition in Freiburg, unter der Leitung von Omer Klein im September 2016.
Für das Halbfinale des International Matmut Jazz Orchestra Price 2016 wurden von insgesamt 403 internationalen Bands 15 Halbfinalisten auserwählt, darunter auch das David Tixier Trio und das David Tixier Piano Solo.
ABOUT … the new album:
"Universal Citizen is dedicated to an open¬minded approach, spanning beyond cultures, religions, nationalities, countries and habits. It is a call for the reunification of human civilisation; a celebration of the universal thread binding us all.”
David Tixier Trio is a fresh and new sound of compositions. Its originality comes from the three musicians playing organically together; honesty, complicity, energy, surprise, and mutual inner quest are the main components of this music.
Created in February 2016, the David Tixier Trio has played among other venues, at Sunside-Sunset in Paris, Sala Clamores in Madrid, Alexander Platz Jazz Club in Rome, at B-Flat Jazz Club in Berlin, at Satchmo Jazz Club, Maribor, at Jazz En Ville Festival 2016, and Jazz En Baie Festival 2016, France.
The trio has been finalist of the Jazz Competition in Jazz En Ville Festival 2016, and the Jazz Avenir Competition 2016 in the Mont Saint Michel's Bay, Normandie (France). During the semi-final selections of the International Matmut Jazz Orchestra Price 2016, the David Tixier Trio was chosen beside other 15 semi-finalists by the jury among 403 other international bands. In November 2016, the band was among the semi-finalists of the International online competition « 7 Virtual Jazz Clubs » and in December 2016, the trio was semi-finalist of the international competition B-Jazz held in Belgium. In May 2017, the trio was finalists of the "Tremplin Jeunes Talents" for the festival "Saint Germain Des Près" taking place at Sunset-Sunside Jazz Club, Paris.
For 2017, the David Tixier Trio is booked in 10 different countries so far, from Spain, France, Switzerland, to Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Italy, and Slovenia.
Filip Gavranović, known professionally by his stage name Pippo Corvino, was born in 1988 in Pula, SFR Yugoslavia. He started playing classical guitar when he was nine years old. In Podgorica (Montenegro), he finished primary music school and the first two years of secondary music school in the class of Professor Nedeljko Pejović. The rest of his secondary school, he finished in the class of Professor Srđan Bulatović, alongside with a jazz guitar, in the class of professor Milorad Šule Jovović. In 2007, he entered the Music Academy in Cetinje (Montenegro), department of classical guitar in the class of Professor Srđan Bulatović, which he quits in November 2009. In May 2010, he moves to Austria, enters the University for Music and Performing Arts (KUG) in Graz (Austria), department of jazz guitar in the class of Professor Guido Jeszenszky and he finishes Bachelor studies in June 2014 and Master studies in February 2017.
Before moving to Austria Pippo performed with many Montenegrin groups such as “Baltazar”, “Autumn For Free”… From 2005 – 2009 he played in many performances of the Montenegrin National Theater, such as: ”Christopher Columbus”, “Europe”, “Montenegro Blues”, “Let’s Have Sex” and “Art Export”. He was the music producer and co-author for the play “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf?” and “When Women had Wings”.
From 2010, next to individual projects Pippo co-operates with musicians such as Ángela Tröndle (Austria), Morten Ramsbøl (Denmark), Anıl Bilgen (Turkey), Elina Viļuma (Latvia), Cinzia Catania (Switzerland)… Along with all the projects and concerts with many musicians and ensembles, the most important are his instrumental albums “Growing Wings” (2013) and “The Parting of the Ways” (2015). Likewise, there are collaborating works standing out: “Come to Light” (2016) with Cinzia Catania, "How Far Is the Moon" (2016) with Morten Ramsbøl and Anıl Bilgen and “Getting Out of the Envelopes” (2017) with Ángela Tröndle. His new solo project, “Another World”, is currently in production.
Reservierung & Tickets
- Eintritt: € 10,00
- Abendkassa